Are you parenting teens while in a mismatched marriage?
My Friends, Lynn and I (Dineen) are now blogging monthly with ChooseNow Ministries with a heart to reach more women and men who desire to thrive in their spiritually mismatched marriage and raise godly children. Nicole has a great new resource that she wants to share with us.
Are you parenting teens while in a mismatched marriage? Who'd have thought that parenting through the teen years alongside a pre-believing spouse would be as challenging, even more sometimes, as parenting through the toddlers years. The thing about teenagers is they need you in different ways than younger children do. When teens need you, it's for more permanent things. Toddlers need a diaper change--but don't worry, if you get it wrong, you'll have another chance. Young children need a band-aid on a boo-boo--you'll do fine with that, but if you mess it up, you'll get to do it again. But when it comes to teens, their issues involve choices that have lasting consequences and life issues that can affect them for a long time. They need you. They need you both. And definitely more than toddlers do, they notice with you're not on the same page, and they quickly learn how to use your differences to their advantage. The most important thing is communication. Communication between you and your spouse, between you and your teen, and you and God. I work with parents and teens to make sure communication is effective and their relationships are thriving. I, along with my team at Choose NOW Publishing, have just launched an incredible set of resources for parents that meets them right in the heart of their need whether they are parenting alongside a fellow follower of Christ, or someone who has not yet surrendered to Him. When I talk with parents, I get asked desperate questions like these:
- How can I keep my kids grounded in the faith?
- What if I lose connection with my teenagers?
- How have you managed to keep such a wonderful relationship with your teens?
- How can I stop just trying make it through and actually enjoy my kids?
- How can I make this a positive time in our relationship and in my teen's faith walk?
- How do I help my teenagers know Jesus for real?
- What if they never do?
As I re-read that list, I can envision the countless parents who have asked me those questions with desperation in their eyes. They want answers and concrete steps to take to make a difference in their teens' lives. This is even more true for the parents who feel like they are trying to make it happen alone. Powerline365 is just the companion you need to victoriously power through this next year and beyond.
Powerline365 Plugging Parents of Teens into the Source Powerline365 is a high-voltage, multi-format daily devotional to help parents raise Christian teens without losing connection. Tap into the power you need to lead your teens into a vibrant personal relationship with Jesus. Many teens, even those from Christian homes, fail to connect with Him on a personal level. They forge on alone, searching for identity as the enemy pelts them with temptations and doubts. As parents, we’re left reeling, wondering where we went wrong. Powerline365 offers daily insight to ground you in truth as you plug into the Source.
It's time for you to power-parent from a place of confidence and surrender, believing God's Word is true, and His promises will never go unfulfilled. And I am certain that God, who began the good work within [your teenager], will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. (Philippians 1:6, NLT) Now, here's the really interesting part!
Crowdfunding is a super-risky, but potentially awesome way to make products available to the public. It pools the resources of the people who are most interested in either owning or supporting the development of a new idea or work. In this case, it would be the user of Powerline365 or those who believe in the project and want to support the raising up of a godly generation of teens who would fund--or buy in--at various levels based on what they'd like to own or gift to someone else. The best way for you to see what I mean is to pop over to the campaign site and see what's what. Just visit when you're done here.
The coolest thing about this project is the multi-format, multi-use approach we've taken to make it easily accessible to you in whatever way best suits your needs. And the best part is that we're currently engaged in an indiegogo campaign to fund this project.
Which means EARLY ACCESS for you! And by early, I mean you can have this material in your hands in TWO DAYS! Would you pop over to our campaign page and see what we have going on? There's a lot of great opportunity and interesting things you'll only have access to through this campaign. Plus it's the ONLY way to get ahold of these resources now, in time for 2014.
GIVEAWAY: And all who participate in the campaign and leave a comment here will be entered to win a Spark30 devotional subscription. We'll give away one for every ten participants. This can also be gifted! My heartfelt prayer is that you'll find victory in your relationship with your teens as you lead them to good choices and a strong faith in Jesus. Nicole O'Dell is the founder of Choose NOW Ministries, bringing a message of hope for today's families through daily articles, weekly radio shows, and the printed word. A mother of six herself, she has authored 23 books for parents and teens, both fiction and nonfiction, all with the goal of helping the reader make good choices NOW.